a Michigan based 501(c)(3) Non-profit with the mission of workforce development and empowerment for marginalized individuals.
(877) 263-9229
205 W Scott St. Grand Ledge, MI 48837
Find out about our initiative to provide for those who are most at risk during the COVID-19 epidemic: feedthevulnerable.org
A “marginalized” person is pushed to the periphery of opportunities and resources that most individuals in a society have access to. This can happen due to race, immigration status, religion, gender, disability and economic status. It can also be driven by past decisions or patterns of behavior that leave long-term constraints in the life of the person being marginalized.
“Soft Skills” are behavioral practices and fundamental skills that allow us to present ourselves in a societally acceptable way. Without developing soft skills, marginalized people find it almost impossible to break the cycle of underemployment. Personal presentation, timeliness, communication, self-awareneness, and creative thinking are some examples of soft skills.
Hard skills are job or industry specific and can be learned by all sorts of people. Examples of hard skills include technical training, STEM emphasis, management techniques, and other best practices for a particular segment of the marketplace.
Profits from incubator businesses get put back into persuing the GLES mission - every purchase helps us fund skills training and empowerment.
Tell your friends - if you like the service you recieved and want to help us with our goals, referring others to visit our incubator buisnesses helps just as much or more than you alone.
Know someone who is stuck in a job they don't like or without one entirely that feels they don't have any skills or credentials to get where they would like to be? Reach out, our goal is to empower individuals to achieve their goals.
Want to help us help others? We are in need of dedicated mentors to walk with trainees through the program.
Contact Us
For more information:
(877) 263-9229
205 W Scott St. Grand Ledge, MI 48837